Our Work

Current Projects

Healthcare for Women and Children

The Challenge:

22 million Bangladeshi live under the poverty line. Especially in the rural areas, access to healthcare is a huge challenge. Women face barriers such as location, financial burdens, bureaucracy, and access to transportation resulting in lengthy commutes and wait times. Additionally, women don't always have access to female providers which they prefer over male providers.

Empowerment of Women

The Challenge:

Bangladesh has made remarkable improvements in the past few decades regarding women's empowerment.

However, there are still several challenges that remain. Some of these include childbirth mortality rates, fertility issues, disparity in female education and literacy rates, and gender based discrimination and violence. Consequently, these issues prohibit women from achieving their full potential.

Nursing School and Scholarship

The Challenge:

There is a significant shortage of qualified nurses in Bangladesh. Many young women wishing to enter the field have limited opportunities due to issues like lack of funds, cultural barriers, and familial obligations. Due to this, women have few education and career options in the rural areas of Bangladesh. As a result, more often than not, they are married off by their families. This is the scenario especially in villages like Chondipur.

Our Future Endeavors/Projects

We are proud of the services SAMC is able to provide as a result of your continued support and generous donations. We have even more plans in the future to reach as many people as possible with health services, health education, and scholarships for women who wish to attend nursing or medical school. Please see below for a few of our current projects in the pipeline for 2021:

  • Regular seminars and webinars for virtual experts from Dhaka (the capital city of Bangladesh) and globally to present on a variety of issues including:
  • Mental Health
  • Hygiene
  • Nutrition
  • Pre-natal, Pregnancy, and Post-Natal Health
  • Menopause
  • High/Low Blood Pressure
  • Physiotherapy
  • Introducing domestic violence awareness through webinars and presentations by experts
  • Increase the number of scholarships we distribute to students hoping to go to nursing or medical school. Currently, we provide one scholarship annually which covers the cost (should be cost not costs) of 4 years of tuition for one student. We are hoping to be able to award at least 2 or 3 a year by next year, and gradually increase it to at least 5 scholarships a year.
  • Expansion of SAMC by constructing an adjacent building that will serve as the Suraiya Ataur Nursing School (SANS). SANS will give students from the village and surrounding areas the opportunity to take courses and earn a degree in nursing to further their education. They will then have the choice to intern at our SAMC clinic.


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of you, our work can continue.

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Suraiya Ataur Medical Centre (SAMC)

1763 NW 62nd St, Seattle, WA 98107, US



Suraiya Ataur Medical Center (SAMC) is a project of Interfaith Community Sanctuary (ICS) in Seattle which is registered as a 501©3 non-profit organization and is registered with the State of Washington as a charity organization. SAMC and all of its projects fall under the umbrella of ICS.

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